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"either we spend time meeting children's emotional needs by filling their cup with love, or we spend time dealing with behaviours caused by unmet needs. Either way, we spend time" Pam Leo

Now Available

Guidance from The Therapist Parent

Embark on a transformative journey into positive parenting and discover Guidance from The Therapist Parent, a compassionate roadmap crafted by a seasoned psychologist with over two decades of experience working with children and families. Krysten equips parents with an extensive toolkit to nurture their social and emotional development. Drawing from real-world experiences and professional insights, this book offers explanations, proven strategies, and playful activities that children respond to. It provides valuable guidance for parents seeking positive change and stringer bonds with their children. Whether you face specific challenges or aspire to build a well-rounded foundation for your child's growth, this book is an essential companion on your parenting journey.

Ebook also Available

Parental Burnout -  online course

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Parental Burnout is physical, emotional and mental exhaustion that comes from the never-ending challenges of parenting. When we burnout, we can't be the parent we want to be to our children. It is important to recognise the signs, learn what causes burnout and how to restore. In this course you will learn how our expectations of our children, ourselves and partners contribute to burnout. You will find how to identify your triggers and how to manage them. Then we go through how to restore and use self-care at every stage of parenting. This course includes 3 videos that are approx. 30 min each. Plus worksheets and handouts with tools you can use at home. When you purchase the course you will receive an email with the links to download the videos and a worksheets. These links are valid for 72 hours, however once they have been downloaded, you are able to watch them whenever you like.

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This online course is full of practical ideas and activities that you can do with your child. In this course you will learn about What is Anxiety and Why? Anxiety and the Brain Explaining Anxiety to Children Sensitive Souls Separation Anxiety What to do in the moment What not to do Mindfulness and Anxiety Helpful/unhelpful thoughts Practical tools The course includes 3 videos between 30-40 min long It also includes 21 printable illustrations and printable instructions for all the practical activities

Online Course - 
Growing Calm: Tools to Ease Anxiety in Young Minds

To the Point videos and resources - For a Limited time these are only $3

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Online Parenting Sessions

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         The Dream Director

This Children's book empowers children and parents to manage nightmares and sleep peacefully


Mindfulness and Gratitude Puzzle

This puzzle teaches children how to create their own "special place" using imagery. This is combined with mindfulness techniques and controlled breathing

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Feelings Faces Discs

9 realistic portraits of children's emotions. Each with the written word for the emotion on the back

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Gratitude and Mindfulness cards for kids

Gratitude is something we have to learn but when we do it has a major impact on our future physical and mental health. These cards help children recognise all the things that they have to be grateful for


Instant Downloadable Posters
Download some of my most popular illustrations


Breathing Cards

8 engraved wooden cards that children can trace with their finger as they breathe

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Self-esteem Bucket Puzzle

This puzzle helps children not only understand how to "fill their bucket" but also "fix their Bucket" when damage has been done


I am a Psychologist with over 20 years experience working with children and families. I have worked in many settings including schools, Private Practice and Government agencies. I have extensive experience working Autistic people as well as conducting diagnostic assessments. In this time I found that I was seeing the same issues coming through my door, requiring the same strategies. While some difficulties will need regular sessions with a qualified Psychologist, sometimes parents just need a few tips and creative ideas to bring change to their children's lives. I hope to offer you proven strategies and playful activities that children respond to. 

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As a Psychologist I know that sometimes a few simple tips is all you need. I hope to provide parents with easy to learn skills and strategies

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©2019 by Krysten Taprell

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